

Choosing the right product is important, and we’re here to help. Simply click on the effect you’re looking for to see the products that will help you get there. Any questions? Feel free to reach out anytime.





When you need a boost of energy and wouldn’t mind a little side dish of euphoria, products in the Rejuvenate category are what you’re looking for. Strains in this category can also sharpen your focus, heighten your senses, and increase your appetite.

View Rejuvenate Products




Everyone needs a good night’s sleep. Strains in the Rest category can help by restoring your natural sleep patterns, making it easier to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night.

View Rest Products




If you’re suffering from pain, either physical or emotional, strains in the Recover category can help. They’re specifically designed to help reduce inflammation, dampen pain receptors, and boost mood.

View Recover Products




Stress. We all have it, and none of us wants it. If you need to Relax, choose a product in this category. These strains are engineered to help you release tension, let go of anxiety, and simply chill out.

View Relax Products

What are Cannabinoids?

A cannabinoid is a naturally-occurring compound found in a cannabis plant. Cannabinoids can provide a variety of effects, from anticonvulsant properties to pain relief. The potential uses for these chemical compounds is vast, and more research is being done to uncover their full range of delivery options and therapeutic effects.

Most Common Types Of Cannabinoids


(Affects how the brain works and may cause changes in mood, awareness, thoughts, feelings, or behavior.)

The most well-known cannabinoid in cannabis is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis and causes the sensation of feeling high.

When THC is exposed to prolonged heat, air, or light, it produces cannabinol (CBN). CBN is usually found in concentrations of less than 1% and its potential benefits are still being studied.

Cannabinoid THC-V has the potential to be quite psychoactive and is being studied for treatment in mental health issues and PTSD. THC-V has also been shown to reduce hunger. Although it has not yet been proven to be a successful treatment for all forms of psychosis, there is some evidence that it may have anxiolytic (antianxiety) characteristics.

Non Psychoactive

(Does not affect the mind or mental processes; produces no changes in perception or behavior.) 

THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid) is the most common cannabinoid in raw cannabis. THC-A is not psychoactive, but it is the most potent. THC-A becomes THC as soon as it is heated to a sufficient level. As fresh cannabis dries and matures, it undergoes this process.

Cannabigerol (CBG) is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid present in less than 1% of the cannabis plant. It is commonly used in medical cannabis for pain management.

Cannabidivarin (CBD-V) is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid with anticonvulsant and antiseizure properties. It is currently being studied for its potential to treat epilepsy.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most popular cannabinoids with medicinal potential and is often used as a non-addictive alternative to pharmaceuticals. Additionally, CBD possesses anti-spasmodic and anti-seizure capabilities, as well as strong anti-inflammatory characteristics.

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are another naturally-occurring compound found in all plant matter. They are integral to how we experience cannabis because they are responsible for the aromas, flavors, and even the colors of the plant. From anti-inflammatory to sedative properties, scientists have only begun to scratch the surface of the medicinal benefits of these aromatic compounds. To date, researchers have identified over 100 different cannabis terpenes, but only a handful of them are found in high concentration in cannabis.

Most Common Types Of Terpenes

Myrcene is sometimes used to treat insomnia and pain. It’s unique because it allows chemicals to cross the blood-brain barrier more easily, allowing for cannabinoids to have a faster onset. Myrcene may also increase the psychoactive effect of THC, causing a more intense cerebral high. Myrcene is naturally occurring in lemongrass, thyme, and hops.

Limonene has an energizing, citrus scent and is often used for combatting gastric reflux and heartburn. In addition, it can be a powerful mood elevator and stress reducer. Limonene also has antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties and is often found in common cleaning and cosmetic products.

Humulene comes from humulus lupulus, also known as common hops. It was used in ancient Chinese medicine and can be an effective appetite suppressant. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor properties. Humulene is found in ginseng, sage, clove, and basil.

Ocimene is a terpene that has shown significant anti-inflammatory effects. It has an herbaceous scent, often with citrus or woody undertones. Many believe this terpene was developed as part of a plant’s defense mechanism, since pests seem to be averse to strains high in ocimene. While many other plants have some quantity present, ocimene can be found in hops, basil, bergamot, orchids, and pepper.

Terpinolene is present in many cannabis strains, but usually only in small quantities. This terpene has a multi-dimensional aroma that smells like pine trees, citrus, herbs, and florals. It has antioxidant and sedative properties, and is naturally occurring in nutmeg, tea tree, apples, and conifers.

Linalool has a delicate, floral aroma and is found in hundreds of different plants and herbs, such as lavender, cinnamon, birch, and coriander. It is an age-old remedy for sleep disorders and can be used in treating depression and anxiety. Linalool can also be used as an analgesic and is a great all-natural insecticide.

Pinene has a fresh, pine tree fragrance. It has antibiotic, gastroprotectant, and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Studies also show that it could be used as a bronchodilator and may be beneficial to those with asthma. Pinene is most common in pine needles, rosemary, basil, and sage.

Caryophyllene is the only terpene known to directly interact with CB2 receptors. It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties and has shown promising results in pain management studies. Caryophyllene is naturally occurring in black pepper, rosemary, oregano, and cloves.

CANNABIS Consumption Methods




There are many methods of inhalation, including bongs, pipes, and dabs, but the most popular by far are joints and blunts: flower that is ground up and rolled in a joint paper or tobacco paper. Pick up a pre-roll from us for a convenient, ready-to-go package, or grab some papers and roll your own.

Need help rolling a joint? Our Budtenders will be happy to show you how.

  • Peak effect: 15-30 minutes
  • Duration: 2-4 hours



Edibles (cannabis-infused food and drinks) are metabolized by your liver, and therefore have a delayed but longer-lasting effect. Start with only 1mg to 5mg per serving and wait 30 minutes before consuming more. A common mistake is eating too much before starting to feel the effects.

  • Peak effect: 2-4 hours
  • Duration: 5-10 hours



Topicals are applied to your skin and processed through your bloodstream. They usually yield a milder high and can provide relief to sore or tight areas.

  • Peak effect: 2-4 hours
  • Duration: 3-6 hours



Sublinguals, such as tinctures, are administered under the tongue and held for some time before swallowing. They get absorbed into the bloodstream for faster-acting relief. This method works quicker than edibles but slower than joints, blunts, or bongs.

  • Peak effect: 30 minutes
  • Duration: 3-8 hours

Bong or Pipe


A popular method of consuming cannabis is to use a water pipe or piece that is made from glass, ceramics, or plastic. A bong (or bubbler) is a pipe which usually has a water chamber for smoke filtration.

  • Peak effect: 10-30 minutes
  • Duration: 2-4 hours



Smoking vaporized concentrate by heating up a nail and inhaling the vapors produced is called dabbing. It is generally advised to start with a very small amount, because the effects of dabbing are stronger and more acute than the effects of smoking flower.

  • Peak effect: 1-10 minutes
  • Duration: 3-6 hours

Cannabis Glossary

Cannabis refers to a group of three plants known as cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis. When the flowers of these plants are harvested and dried, you’re left with one of most common drugs in the world, often referred to as weed, herb, grass, or pot. It can be consumed in a variety of ways, including through inhalation, ingestion, and topical application.

There are many naturally-occurring compounds in the plant, called cannabinoids. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, but other cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), have no psychoactive properties whatsoever and are used for a range of non-addictive medicinal uses.

Flower is the ingestible part of the cannabis plant.  It’s cultivated, harvested, dried, and cured before making its way to the end consumer.

Flower – Dried herb or buds.

Ready-to-use products that have been pre-rolled by the producers. They come with just flower or sometimes infused with various concentrates.  

Pre-Rolls – Also referred to as joints or blunts.

Cannabis concentrates are separated from the cannabis plant, removing impurities, and leaving desired compounds such as cannabinoids and terpenes. Terpenes are responsible for the taste, smell, and color of the cannabis.

Cartridges – Cannabis vape cartridges are typically high dosage concentrated products that often pair with a battery accessory.

Bubble Hash – Uses water, ice, and mesh screens to pull out the fine outgrowths on the cannabis plant, known as trichomes, and turn them into a paste-like consistency.

Budder –  The consistency of budder is very similar to peanut butter. It can get messy. It’s made from whipping cannabis oil sap into a smooth budder product. To dab with budder, refrigerate it for a bit or it’s likely to just fall off of your glass pin and make a mess.

Crumble –  Crumble is one of the hardest concentrates to work with. It’s super dry and needs to be warmed in your fingers before you try to use it. It’s the same main composition of budder and wax but it’s broken down more to create the crumble-like texture.

Dabbing – The process of using a concentrated form of cannabis in a device called a dab rig—a glass piece with a chamber for water that allows you to inhale the cannabis.

Dry Sift – Ground cannabis filtered with screens leaving behind complete trichome glands. The end-product is also referred to as kief.

Oil -– Cannabis oil resembles olive oil. It is often used in syringe form for sublingual use. It is also used for edibles and vape cartridge liquids. Over time, oil will harden and/or evaporate. It is one of the most potent forms of marijuana as many oils measure 70%-90% THC.

Resin – Resin is a more malleable cannabis concentrate with a consistency somewhere between and wax and a sauce—not quite like taffy, but not too wet. Live resins tend to be potent with a lot of THC. It’s extremely sticky, so you’ll need a dab tool to handle it.

Rosin – End product of cannabis flower being squeezed under heat and pressure

Shatter – Shatter is a hard concentrate that simulates the look of stained glass. Shatter needs to be stored away from direct sunlight. The container needs to be kept tightly closed. Keep in mind that shatter will stick to anything it touches. A little bit goes a long way and keeps you comfortably medicated for an extended period of time.

Wax –  Wax is one of the stickiest concentrates made and is used for dabbing. Decarboxylated THC is made from reducing oil to a thick, sap-like consistency. Don’t attempt to get wax from the container to your rig with your fingers; you need a good dabber to handle that part.

Edibles are cannabis-infused food and drinks where the THC is metabolized by the liver.  Edibles can be made from cannabis flower or concentrates and come in a variety of forms:

Baked Goods – Brownies, cookies, cakes

Confections – Gummies, chews, drops, mints, lollipops, lozenges, chocolate, chews, caramels

Liquid Edibles – Shots, beverage, enhancers, seltzers, soft drinks

Topicals are infused products like lotions, balms, and oils.  They are applied directly to skin and can relieve pain, soreness, and inflammation.


General Cannabis Purchase and Use

Adult-use recreational dispensaries are now officially open to the public for adults 21+ (with valid, government-issued ID).

You can buy up to 1 ounce of flower, or 5 grams of concentrate, or 500 milligrams of edibles per day. You can also purchase a combination of all three, as long as you don’t exceed the daily limit.

As of now, cannabis is only allowed to be consumed at a private residence. It’s a good idea to check the rules where you live and work—employers, landlords, cities, and towns may have their own policies governing the use of marijuana.

We have a variety of Renew brand flower strains and pre-rolls, as well as a full selection of additional, popular strains. Our product selection is expanding every day, so keep checking back. There’s always something new at Renew!

Yes! Be sure to bring a government issued ID (driver’s license, state ID card, passport, or military ID) to validate that you’re 21 or over.

It is illegal to travel with cannabis products out of state. Since cannabis is still federally illegal, you cannot cross state lines with cannabis in your possession.

That depends on the effect you’re hoping to achieve and your level of experience with cannabis. Our friendly Budtenders are always happy to help guide you in your selection! In addition, our products are labeled by Effect Categories to make it easier to pick out what’s right for you. As a general rule, each of the different types of cannabis (Sativa, Indica, Hybrid) has different attributes. Sativas are associated with more uplifting and focused effects, while Indicas are associated with relaxing and calming effects. Hybrids offer a mix of both.

Unfortunately, no. It is currently illegal to consume cannabis on the premises of a dispensary.

No problem! The cannabis plant has non-psychoactive cannabinoids that provide a whole host of benefits without getting you high. Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of them and is the most popular option. To read more about non-psychoactive cannabinoids, visit the Cannabinoids and Terpenes section. As always, our friendly Budtenders will be happy to help you find what you need.

If you have more than one ounce of cannabis in your home, it must be locked in a secure place. In fact, it’s best to lock away all cannabis-based products in childproof packaging to keep kids and pets safe.

Current Cannabis Laws and Regulations

Massachusetts law permits you to carry up to one ounce of cannabis. You may possess up to 10 ounces in your home.

Massachusetts law allows you to grow up to six cannabis plants in your home for personal use, or up to 12 plants for two or more adults.

It’s illegal to use cannabis in any form—including smoking, vaping, or eating—in public places or on federal land. This includes sidewalks, parks, and public transportation. You must be in a private residence to enjoy your cannabis.

Just like alcohol, it’s illegal to have an open container of any form of cannabis in the passenger area of a car. An individual may receive a civil penalty of up to $500 for having an open container of cannabis in the passenger area of a vehicle while on the road or at a place where the public has access. It’s best to store cannabis in a closed container and place in your trunk or a locked glove compartment.

It’s illegal to drive across state lines with cannabis. It’s also against the law to transport it on a plane, train, boat, or other mode of transportation outside of Massachusetts.

Nope. You cannot send cannabis by mail—even to states and countries where marijuana use is legal.

Absolutely not. It can impair your judgement and it’s illegal to drive while under the influence of cannabis. Take public transportation, contact a ride-share, or catch a lift with a sober friend. Please stay safe and enjoy your cannabis responsibly!

A landlord cannot be punished by the state for allowing cannabis consumption. In fact, the Marijuana Justice Act of 2017 prohibits a landlord from being punished under state law for allowing cannabis consumption or other cannabis-related activities conducted lawfully on the landlord’s property under.


Berkley, MA

44 County Street, Berkley, MA 02779

Monday – Sunday: 10am – 7pm

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